In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Monday 3 June 2013

Sleepwalkers (1992)

Mick Garris must really like Stephen King. This was his first attempt at adapting one of King’s ideas (it was an original screenplay) into a feature and it’s as shitty as most of the subsequent attempts.
There's some successful comedy moments and some not so successful.
Alice Krige is good, and… no, that’s it really.

1½ kitty cats out of 5


cuckoo said...

Nutshell must really like Mick Garris because we keep Nutting his work. XD

cuckoo said...

Oh and...

I only seen this once when it first came out and thought it was bad even then.

Been meaning to revisit again just 'cuz I'm on team Madchen Amick.

Dr Faustus said...

I watched The Stand a few days ago. It was Garris too. Heh. Nut is written but not posted yet. And I have a third effort from him in my next Box Nut. It wasn't planned, it’s just real bad luck on my part.

cuckoo said...

:rofldata: :rofldata:

Nuts completely confuse Mick Garris.

"They constantly mock me...but keep coming back".

Borderline said...

I just finished watching this and I actually found it quite enjoyable. If I were to pass judgment on all the things wrong with the film I would have to give it 2.5 fatal cobs of corn out of 5, but it may be a future guilty pleasure.