In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Saturday 8 September 2012


After a 10 year absence, Troy Duffy's American/Irish badboy vigilante brothers are back in the follow-up to the cult hit in, The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day.
After a rather crowd-pleasing original, it's hard to follow-up and this fails in almost every way.  The dialogue is flat and uninspiring as hell, the action sequences are inanely dull, it's horribly uneven pacing and Billy Connolly is painfully underused.  Aside from a few humorous moments, All Saints Day is an utter disappointment and waste of time.

1½ cats on a bar out of 5


Docrate1 said...

It suffers greatly from the lack of Willem Dafoe.

Still, I like it. not by a long shot as good as the first one, but still. 2.5 killers complexed by their tiny size out of 5.

cuckoo said...

I would have been all right with the lack of Dafoe if they had only used Billy a bit more.

Julie Benz was an okay replacement although that accent was a bit much at times. I liked that the 3 cops got some more screentime.

...and was a great pleasure to Rocco again.